Jesus is Not Afraid of Doubt

John 20:19-29

Thomas is sometimes described as the “doubter” in his account of Jesus after His death on the cross. He struggled to believe that Jesus was dead and resurrected - which I think is a very human response. Have you ever seen someone die and then resurrect from the dead? I didn’t think so… and the same goes for Thomas! I can’t imagine my reaction being any different than his. What does Jesus do in the midst of this doubt? Scorn him? Not in the slightest. Instead, Jesus takes his hand and meets his requests, showing him His hands and placing His hand at His side.

Jesus hears the needs of Thomas and meets them in the moment! Not only does Jesus do this willingly, but does this in front of the other disciples. No question or doubt is too much for Jesus to handle. Jesus does take this moment that belief without seeing is the mark of true faith. So much of our relationship with Jesus is built on the fact that we must have faith to believe that Jesus is who He says He is. He really is fully God and fully man, here on this earth, to seek and save the lost. Now, as followers of Jesus, we must believe that He will do what He said He would do – come back.

There will be moments where our faith is in the same state as Thomas’, and Jesus receives that and loves him through it. There will be moments when we doubt, fall into temptation, and struggle to believe in the character of God. We have to cling to God’s word that it doesn’t fail and hasn’t failed.

Begin to process how you have doubted God and His works in your life. Where is He calling you to step into faith?


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