Obedience Leads to Life

John 12:27-50

Jesus’ life on earth was meant to teach us many things. Through His own life, He teaches us how to pray, serve others, walk in holiness, turn away from sin, fast, and many other disciplines that Christians practice today. What’s consistent in all those things is the discipline of obedience - something that may feel like “rules” to keep in your life, but actually brings us closer to God. Obedience pushes us to take the weight off of us and instead depend on God further.

Jesus shows what full dependence looks like, even when it’s unpopular. As Jesus is teaching to the crowd of people, He knows that they will not follow him like in previous moments. He instructs them to walk while they have the light around them and believe in it (V35-36). How does the crowd respond? They don’t believe him (V37)! Jesus helps teach them to walk obediently, but they still choose their own way.

Sometimes, the enemy can trick us into believing that disbelief is easier than believing. Not believing doesn’t require any tangible sacrifice from us. We are less likely to be rejected by the world and don’t have to sacrifice as often. Disbelief doesn’t require submission. Jesus, through his death and suffering, shows us what’s on the other side of belief… Jesus shows us life. Jesus came to SAVE the world and to bring eternal life! Belief, although costly (and Jesus further proved that through his death), leads to greater abundance and joy than anything else could offer. We receive temporary comforts by rejecting Christ, but it doesn’t last. God, in His grace towards us, continues to offer redemption to us and bring us to further depend on Him.

Reject the lie that stepping away from Christ or disbelief is easier or better than belief. Belief and faith are the roots of our joy and our lives; embrace the grit that comes with belief!


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