The Disciple Jesus Loves

John 21: 18-25

John was known as the disciple whom Jesus loved - there was a strong brotherhood between them. As Jesus is teaching to the disciples in verses 18-19, Peter sees that John is following behind them. Instead of Peter receiving that personal challenge, he deflects and says, “What about him?!”, a response to which Jesus is not going to entertain. Jesus says, in short (and I’m paraphrasing here), ‘Mind your business.’ I think a lot of times, we can deflect personal challenges like Peter does in this passage. But Jesus’ response to Peter is the same, ‘follow me.’

You see, the personal relationship we have with Jesus also implies that the challenges and growth areas we face are ones specifically for us. It is out of God’s love for us that He consistently refines us and transforms us into who God has intended for us to be. So, instead of deflecting it, we should embrace the challenge given to us by God. It’s not a mark of His absence but instead a stamp of His love for us. Jesus doesn’t force Peter into following Him but continues to invite him into it.


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