The High Priestly Prayer Pt 2

John 17: 13-21

Jesus calls us to be people who are in the world but not of it. The world (which includes places, people, experiences, and the things it produces) is a mixed bag. Sometimes, it’s very broken and full of strife, war, and prejudice. Sometimes, the world is joyful; we see this when we experience new life, humanitarianism, a heart-warming story, or a simple act of kindness.

I have struggled with the feeling of loving the world too much. When I think about Jesus coming back, I'm overwhelmed with the sense of peace that brings, but I feel a tinge of grief as I think about it. I know things on the other side of heaven are so glorious nothing in this world could compare, so why do I struggle to think about this very topic? In John 17, Jesus tells them that they are meant to be IN the world, just as Jesus was. Jesus even recognizes that the world may hate them because of the word we have, but He wants to keep up here.

Because God has kept us here, we continue to be sanctified by the word of God through a world that does not love Him; when we see the brokenness of the world, that should compel us to lean into God’s word MORE than ever before. To cling to the truth so that when the people look at us and our posture through whatever circumstance, they see Christ in us. Loving the world is not wrong because Jesus loved the world, too. He loved it so much that he came down and lived among us so that more people would come to know Him and their relationship with God would be restored. Eternity was changed because Jesus loved the world, but He didn't love the world apart from truth, and that makes all the difference. We cannot possess blind love towards the world; love everything in the world, even if it’s against God’s design. Instead, we are called to bring truth to broken situations OUT OF LOVE for the other person. Loving someone doesn’t always look nice, but if you are willing to step into hard things with them, they don’t feel like a project but like a friend. Jesus often ate with those who were not living in His word. He would wash their feet, laugh with them, and do miracles with them. In the midst of that, Jesus was sanctifying them in truth. We get to do the same on earth. We get to love the world because God loves the world, but we get to lead them in truth because it’s the most loving thing we could do.

How do you cling to the truth when the world feels broken or desolate?

How may God be using you to minister to others through hard circumstances?


Life-Changing Community. World-Changing Purpose. All Because of Jesus


The High Priestly Prayer Pt 3


The High Priestly Prayer Pt 1