Jonathan Moore
At a young age, I began to learn about Jesus. I even said I believed in Him. However, my life didn’t always reflect that belief. Christianity, to me, was all about rules and being “good.” It wasn’t until I came to college and joined Resonate Church that I realized where I was wrong. I quickly heard the true gospel and what stood out to me was the fact that Jesus died so that I could know God, that I could have a relationship with Him. Christianity wasn’t about what I did, it was about knowing God through Jesus. This was revolutionary news to me, and within a year, Jesus transformed my life and trajectory.
At that time, I was studying materials science and engineering with hopes of working in the aerospace industry. Yet, I felt the Lord drawing me to something bigger than myself. Within Resonate Church, I witnessed true sacrifice for the sake of the gospel and people coming to know Christ. The eternal significance of the gospel began to outweigh anything else I could pursue investing my time into on this earth. The gospel had to be preached and disciples had to be made. So, I committed to become a church planter with Resonate Church after I graduated with my engineering degree.
After graduating in 2019, I joined staff and began training to plant a church. In the summer of 2021, my wife, McKayla and I moved to Salt Lake City with a team of about 20 students and young professionals to start a church at the University of Utah. As a pastor in Resonate Church, I have the privilege to lead our church in developing their relationship with the Lord while actively engaging in the mission of God. My joy is found in seeing all Christians being mobilized to make disciples for the sake of the lost and the glory of God.