Leaders of the Bible: Joshua

Numbers 13:16-14:10, Joshua 1:1-9

Have you ever wondered why the village leaders in training are called a Joshua? Maybe you know, but maybe you just went along with it and haven’t got a clue. 

Moses who was used by God to set the Israelites free from slavery, part the sea, and receive the ten commandments. Moses was a great leader who led God’s people for many years and through many obstacles, new beginnings, and sin struggles. When it was known that Moses wouldn’t be entering the promised land the Israelites needed a new leader. Joshua was next in line to lead after Moses and had a lot of responsibility to live up to.

Joshua was one of twelve spies sent to seek out the promised land before they arrived. They found that the land was beautiful and “flowing with milk and honey” as God had promised, but was already occupied by strong nations as God also mentioned there would be (Exodus 3:8). The Israelites were fearful and thought going back to Egypt would be better than walking into a battle zone. They needed a leader who could be a strong military leader and who was courageous to follow the Lord. Instructed by God, Moses ordains Joshua as successor after him. 

Joshua’s first task as a leader was to obey God in the crossing of the Jordan river. God commanded Joshua to have the priests stand in the Jordan river with the ark of the covenant and He would make a way for them to cross. Without hesitation Joshua obeys and trusts that God will provide a way for them to get to safety. This shows the distrusting Israelites that Joshua is courageous and willing to obey the Lord at all costs. 

He continues to prove his obedience, wisdom, and trust in the Lord as he leads the army to conquer Jericho in an unconventional way and every other nation that God commanded him to battle. These things would have been pointless if Joshua did not have trust in God. It was all because of God that the Israelites were able to possess the land with such success. In Romans 8 Paul asks the question, “if God is for us, who can be against us?” (Romans 8:31). 

And this could not be more true. God is the “same yesterday, today, and forever,” which means the same God who created the world, brought His people out of the hand of Pharaoh was the same God who was with Joshua as he was appointed as leader. 

When Jesus left his disciples to descend to heaven, one of the last things he said to them was “as the Father has sent me, even so I am sending you” and to “go therefore and make disciples of all nations” (John 20:21, Matthew 28:19). Jesus has commanded all people who follow him to live sent toward this lost world. And if you are a follower of Jesus then the death defying Spirit of God resides in you (1 Corinthians 3:16). 

Let this be a reminder that no matter who has come before you, you are qualified (Colossians 1:12). It takes obedience, trust, and courage to be a leader and God does the rest. He is for us. He has chosen His people to carry the greatest story ever told to the ones who have yet to hear it.

What experiences or gifts do you have that God can use as leader potential?

When is it hard for you to trust and obey God? 


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Leaders of the Bible: Esther


Leaders of the Bible: Moses