Mark 7

Mark 7

This chapter is packed to the brim with so many excellent and timeless truths.

Yet, I want to focus on the first thirteen verses.

I don’t remember noticing this whole section before when I first read this. It felt like I was reading this for the first time.,. Jesus calls out the forsaking of obedience to God’s law for human tradition. What probably started as good had turned evil, and for human gain, instead of the exaltation of the Most High God - the tradition has become the idol they now worship.

Is this not true of us today? We don’t like how the church acts because it’s not how we want it to be. There are not enough tongues spoken, the music is too loud or quiet, the programs handed out aren’t flashy enough, or maybe you’re young enough to be confused about why you are getting a physical one. Whatever it is, we use traditions to leverage our preferences. They are pretend markers of our fake control. Like the Pharisees, we want to feel comfortable and in control of our worship experience, Instead of wholly surrendering to God’s preference for HIS worship.

We let preference or tradition lead us to idol worship instead of letting go of what God wants regarding his worship and exaltation! How sinful and self-centered we can be! We tisk at the Pharisees then, but Jesus also talks to us.

What is something you often complain about That reveals to preference or tradition you are clinging to?

Complaining is sinful. We need to stop and repent of it. It is not building up of anything or anyone. Where do you need to let go or prefer and worship God here and now as it is?

We should be willing to surrender so that God is wholly uplifted as he wants and should be. What do you need to do to make that happen?


Life-Changing Community. World-Changing Purpose. All Because of Jesus


Mark 8


Mark 6