Mark 9

Mark 9

Physically, Jesus wasn’t anything special. He was born in a small town with no real importance. His family came from a humble background, and he often interacted with those who were considered invisible. Jesus didn’t look how the world imagined a king to look; he didn’t come in glory with an army and power. He quietly and humbly served.

The transfiguration is powerful because this is the first time the disciples see Jesus for who he really is - The Son of God. Although they believed Him as such, this was proof of who Jesus is: fully man and fully God.

In a daze and unsure what to do, Peter begins setting up shelters for them, and God responds by declaring, “This is my Son, whom I love. Listen to Him.” (v.8). Like Martha, Peter sought distraction when encountering God’s presence. How often do we do the same?

Our God is big and powerful, and often His ways are hidden from us. Instead of sitting and enjoying His presence, we busy ourselves because we aren’t really sure of what we should be doing. Our desires aren’t bad; we want to be useful and serve the God we love. But God doesn’t need our help; He wants us. We are given daily moments to enjoy and admire our creator; do we even notice?

As you reflect on today's passage, ask God to reveal areas where you may be distracting yourself with busy work instead of enjoying what our Father has put right in front of you.


Life-Changing Community. World-Changing Purpose. All Because of Jesus


Mark 10


Mark 8