Nehemiah 1, Psalm 139

Our world is in shambles. I feel like everyday there is a new, horrific storyline buzzing through the media. If there was ever a doubt in our minds that the world was broken, surely after these last few years that’s been thrown out the window. We live in a broken, desolate world in desperate need of salvation. 

It’s easy to sit behind the scenes, to share a social media post calling out injustice, or talk about what’s going on in the world with our friends. There are plenty of people in the world who recognize the problems around us, but what we need is to be people of action. Nehemiah’s story is an example of leadership and organization in the midst of hardship. 

God has created each one of us with specific gifts, talents, passions and experiences that allow us to play different roles in the Kingdom of God. When Nehemiah returned to Jerusalem and saw the city he loves vulnerable and unprotected, he wept before the Lord. In cities today walls may not seem so important, but in Nehemiah’s time walls were as essential as electricity or a police force. It was the walls that would offer safety and be a sign of strength. The Jew’s Holy City needed to be protected and instead of brooding or complaining Nehemiah sought the Lord in prayer and then looked for ways to improve the situation.

How often do we run to the Lord when we get tragic news? How often is our heart inclined to pray first when we hear of a problem? When we bring our concerns to the Lord, difficult decisions fall into perspective and clear actions follow. God has a place for us in His mission, and He has a role for us in making His kingdom come.

Spend some time processing things that have been weighing on your heart lately. Is there a specific thing going on in the world that burdens you? What are you deeply passionate about? 

Nehemiah gives us a great example of effective prayer, as you reflect on specific burdens you have, pray through the elements Nehemiah lays out: Praise, thanksgiving, repentance, request and commitment. 

Would God give us vision for our lives and use us to make our cities look more like heaven. We are praying for you as you process this, and if anyone feels inclined toward action make sure you talk to your huddle leader about starting a Kingdom Initiative at your site.


Life-Changing Community. World-Changing Purpose. All Because of Jesus


Nehemiah 2