Hey Owner, thank you for coming to the Owner Renewal page!

Before November 30th, please:

  1. Review & prayerfully consider the Resonate Church Ownership Commitment

  2. Select whether you choose to renew or not renew your ownership for 2024-25.

Any Owners who have not renewed their Ownership by November 30th will be considered as not renewing and will be removed from the Owner list.

Resonate Church Ownership Commitment

Resonate Owners are a family on mission under the Lordship of Jesus. 


Because Jesus is Lord, we commit to abide in Christ as growing disciples. We prioritize Huddle and seek to demonstrate consistent repentance and choose to believe the truth of God’s Word, encouraging one another to be transformed (Rom 12:1). As a family we want to increasingly treasure Jesus and glorify Him above all things, submitting all of our lives to his Lordship. This means we don’t just believe the Word but we also obey (Luke 8:21). 


Because Jesus is Lord, we lock arms with our Village family to seek the renewal of our campus/city and the salvation of people through the Gospel. Wherever we have influence we take responsibility to use that influence to reconcile people to God through Christ (2 Cor. 5:16-21).  We commit to be in the game, making disciples and inviting others to imitate our lives as disciples. This means our homes are open to non-believers, our time is available to non-believers and our prayers are aimed at salvation for non-believers and helping them to grow as disciples. Ultimately, we make disciples who make disciples by helping the people we lead lead others to maturity in Christ. 


Because Jesus is Lord, we commit to create community, not kill it. We love one another as Christ has loved us through promoting Biblical reconciliation, bearing burdens, and avoiding all divisiveness and gossip. We regularly participate and prioritize our church family’s patterns: Sunday Gathering, Village, Huddle and Life on Life. We joyfully give at least a tithe (10%) of our income. We are sacrificially generous with our resources, including our time, talent and treasure to advance the Kingdom of God. Specifically, we serve our church on a regular basis according to the talents and time God has given us. Additionally, we allow the family to have influence in our lives, decisions, and direction. This influence is primarily expressed through the chain of care and spiritual authority in our Village/House Church families. Owners make themselves available to their spiritual authority, to be cared for by them and shepherded by them toward health, maturity, and holiness. Owners also know they are responsible to care for other Owners, whether they be their disciples or peers. 


Because Jesus is Lord and was sent to us we take personal responsibility for our church family’s mission that seeks to align with the life and call of Jesus by living sent to the world around us (John 20:21). God has called us to be an urgent, multiplying, collegiate, church-planting movement in order to help the places around us look like the Kingdom of God. That means we must multiply everything: disciples, leaders, Villages, churches and movements. As a family on mission we align with and participate in Church planting by Praying, Giving and/or Going. As Owners, it is not enough to just experience the vision, we must champion and pray for the vision God has given our church.  

Finally, we trust our leaders (from our Village leaders to our pastors) and submit to their authority because they keep watch over us as those who must give an account (Hebrews 13:17). This means we humbly receive correction and redirection when necessary.

If at any point, one of our brothers or sisters prayerfully feels our lives are out of alignment we give them freedom and permission to correct us in accordance with Matthew 18:15-20 and bring us back into alignment with the scriptures and this commitment.