Acts 1:6-11 & Micah 4:1-5 & John 16:4-11
Have you ever had a circumstance not turn out the way you expected it to? This is where we find ourselves in the story of Acts. Post-resurrection Jesus has been teaching them for the last 40 or so days about the kingdom of God and telling the disciples to not depart until they receive the promise of the Holy Spirit. In the minds of the disciples as they listened they were hoping assuming that the Lord would finish the work by restoring the kingdom of Israel. This is what they thought would happen and this is what the Old Testament prophecy they were familiar with told them would happen. Biblical commentator, David Guzik, says “The disciples certainly knew the many Old Testament prophecies describing the spiritual and national rebirth of Israel. The disciples probably thought that the spiritual rebirth seemed certain, so the national would also come”.
Though this would happen Jesus is lifting their eyes and directing it elsewhere. The restoration of the kingdom of Israel will happen but just not now and it was not for us or them to know. What Jesus is promising and pointing to right now is not only the restoration of Israel but empowerment to be witnesses of the Gospel to the ends of the earth. Jesus is pointing beyond Israel and to the restoration and drawing in of the whole world to the kingdom of God. We see this type of Old Testament prophecy in many places but specifically in Micah 4:1-2 we see an image of all the nations streaming into the house of the Lord. The restoration of the kingdom of Israel will be extended to and involve all the nations.
However in order to do that it will be done by the power of the Holy Spirit. When it talks about the power of the Holy Spirit its specifically power to be witnesses and proclaimers of Jesus (v.8). Jesus is empowering the disciples and empowers you for the specific reason of making Him known to others. What does it mean to have power? John Piper says “You move from being an advocate of Christianity to being a witness of the living Christ. You move from simply deducing Christian truths from valid premises to proclaiming them boldly as experienced realities. This is the power and the witness that will take Christ to the end of the earth.” Jesus in Acts is so clearly preparing the disciples to be empowered and habitual witnesses to His finished work and He will do that by the Holy Spirit. Pray that God would give you an experience of Himself through His Holy Spirit that would empower you to be a bold witness. What space, place or people do you lack boldness towards that you need to ask God to empower you by His Spirit? Jesus’ method to reach your neighbor and the ends of the earth is through His continuing work through you. Jesus has physically ascended into heaven and He isn’t coming back to do it Himself, He is using and continuing it through you. Why do you still stare up at the sky? Go.