repent & respond to christ
Acts 3:17-26, Isaiah 32:15, Deuteronomy 18:15-19
So far in Acts chapter 3 we have seen a lame man risen to walk through the power of the Holy Spirit within Peter. Peter has called out the crowd for their rejection of Christ and gave all the glory and recognition from the miracle to Jesus. In the section today, verses 17-26, Peter continues to address the crowd.
Peter highlights that during the people’s and rulers' prosecution of Jesus they were acting in ignorance, not knowing what they were doing. Since they did not knowingly reject Christ but did so in ignorance, there is still time to repent and turn towards God and Peter calls them to repent right then and there.
Peter does not just call to repentance but explains again why the people outside the temple should respond to Jesus in faith and repentance. Jesus is the fulfillment of Deuteronomy 18:15-19. Jesus is the fulfillment of God's prophecy through the Old Testament prophets. As God’s people, Jesus was sent for them, to make a way for them to be right with God. Verse 26 is a beautiful final point, Jesus was sent to them, to bless them and to turn them from their wickedness. Jesus was sent for us, he blessed us, and he gives us direction to turn from our wickedness.
When we hear the gospel we become aware of who Jesus is. Let us not reject this truth in any way but instead grasp it every day, be reminded of who Jesus is and how we need to live our lives in response by repenting and sharing the truth of Jesus Christ with those in our lives.