Week One // What is Prayer?
God wants to commune with us. When creating mankind, He intended to design beings that reflected His very likeness (Genesis 1:27). The fact that we have a natural inclination to communicate with others is a sign that God not only designed and practices communication but deeply loves it Himself. Even in the earliest verses of scripture, we see God speaking freely with and walking alongside...

Week Two // Why Does God Care About Prayer?
Everything we need in life comes from God. He is more than capable of providing for us and knows our very needs before we utter a single word. However, Jesus not only desires but commands that we call out to our Father with our longings, heartaches….

Week Three // How Do I Pray?
The content of our prayers matters to God, but perhaps what influences their composition more than anything else is the inner posture of our hearts. With this in mind, let us consider four general themes of how we can pray in a way that aligns with scripture: We should pray with humility, expectancy, always….

Week Four // What Should I Pray About?
God loves it when we talk to Him. No matter the structure or eloquence of your prayers, God is overjoyed to listen to His children. However, knowing exactly how to pray can feel confusing. How are we to speak with the King of the universe in conversation? Before approaching Him, it is critical to have an awareness of our soul’s deep need for Him. It also helps to recognize that He yearns for a personal relationship with us. He is kind and gentle towards us….