Rebecca Kammerer
Multiplier | Pullman TEAM
I began following Jesus the day before my twentieth birthday, just a few weeks after attending my first Resonate Church service in Eugene. My teen years were filled with brokenness and heartache, I yearned for something greater than the typical college experience, which I found within the community of Resonate. I quickly discovered that following Jesus made my life more complicated but more importantly, it made my life more worth living. Throughout the four years I have been a part of this family I have learned and grown so much about how to live like Jesus, give grace, and do the work to extend God’s kingdom.
As a campus multiplier in Eugene, I spend my days pursuing the students of the University of Oregon. Honestly, the part of my days I get to spend time on campus are so incredibly fun because I get to be active, play games, and have really sweet conversations with young women. The other part of my days are spent raising support for my income, so that I can serve and live towards the upper-classmen women at UO. It can be challenging to ask people to support me financially, but it is so rewarding to be able to fully trust the Lord with my finances.
I was born and raised in Eugene, so being able to live towards the campus I grew up right next to and graduated from has been such a blessing. I have seen God move immensely in my own life and in the lives of so many others during our college careers. I truly believe in the mission of leading college students to Christ and equipping them to go out into the world making disciples.
Giving others the opportunity to support me financially or through prayer is so joyous because I am inviting them to be a part of my ministry. Without doing the physical work of pursuing students personally, my supporters can be a part of something that is greater than themselves and furthering God’s kingdom to the ends of the earth. I truly could not be on this mission without the help of supporters who faithfully pray and give to our vision of reaching the campus and in turn, reaching the world.
Connect with Becca online: Instagram