1 Samuel 24

In this age of social media, there is a lot of talk about political leaders, church leaders and executive leaders who have gone astray. It seems like day after day there is a new headline displaying the evils of this world. In today's reading, David’s character reflects the holy and sovereign power of our God. David was being slandered by those in Saul’s court. Yet, when given the opportunity to kill Saul, David relents. He knew that God had set Saul on the throne, and David trusted that his time would come when the Lord would turn the throne over to him, he just needed to wait. 

How often do we take things into our own hands? We feel hurt by a leader so we leave the church. We don’t agree with the political party in office so we slander those in charge. We disagree with an opinion and we cancel them. Someone posts something on social media that we don’t like and we mute them. Now, I am not disregarding trauma, abuse or a leader that needs to be removed from office, but what we see in today’s reading is that David was able to respect the throne of an ungodly leader, while not violating God’s law. Romans 13:1-7 teaches that God has placed the government and its leaders in power, and although we may not know why, God is our ultimate authority and when we commit ourselves to His law we can remain confident that we will see His justice come to fruition. 

Do you trust that God will bring justice to our world?

Spend time praying for God’s justice to come to this world, and ask Him how you can partner with Him in that.


Life-Changing Community. World-Changing Purpose. All Because of Jesus


1 Samuel 25


1 Samuel 23