
Psalm 150:1-6, Psalm 118:24, Luke 15:23-24

We just recently moved to a new church plant, and before we left, our friends threw us the best party. There were donuts, trivia, balloons, tears shed and so many hugs. We reminisced on good times shared, and talked about the future to come. It was the perfect ending to a wonderful chapter in our lives. We were able to enjoy what God had provided for us, and joyfully anticipate what was to come. 

Celebration has been hard this past year. Virtual parties, drive-by showers and small gatherings have been the primary way we have celebrated this past year. If you have been to any celebrations like this, they are usually awkward, choppy and seemingly lacking. Yet still we gather, still we celebrate. Why is that? Why do we still feel this need to gather, sometimes in the strangest ways, to celebrate?

Sure, there are a lot of reasons. Parties are fun, we want our friends to feel special, we get to be part of something. But at the end of the day, I believe we celebrate because it’s engrained in who we are. Our God loves to celebrate! He isn’t boring and serious, but joyful, generous, and dare we say - fun!

Think about it, angels celebrated the birth of Jesus, Jesus’ last meal was at a Passover feast, and the book of Revelation depicts the wedding of all weddings. Our God knows how to throw a party, and everytime we celebrate something we are bringing glory to God. The story of the prodigal son ends with a celebration and Luke 15:7 says there will be more joy in Heaven over one sinner who repents than ninety-nine righteous persons who need repentance. Our God loves to celebrate, what a gift! Our God wants us to experience deep joy, and He wants us to celebrate the things He lavishes on us.

We can celebrate well not by throwing the best party, but by remembering God’s kindness and generosity in our lives. As you read today, would your heart be stirred toward the Lord as you celebrate the wonderful things He is doing in your life.

Leave a comment about what you are celebrating, we would love to celebrate alongside you!


Life-Changing Community. World-Changing Purpose. All Because of Jesus

