Jesus Is Baptized

John 3:13-16, Matthew 3:13-17, Luke 3:21-22, Mark 1:9-11

Have you ever been asked to do something that you felt unqualified to do? I often took on a project, task, or new adventure that felt completely out of my comfort zone. Most recently, I potty trained my toddler, and let me tell you, nothing will humble you quicker than trying to teach a raging two-year-old how to do something that every human does.

That’s how John felt in today’s story. When Jesus approaches him to be baptized, he immediately responds, “This is backward; I need to be baptized by you!” [paraphrasing by me]. God’s plans often aren’t what we expect, but we know they are always for our good. Jesus’ baptism proved His deity and showed us the beauty of our Triune God. In this passage, we see God the Father speaking, God the Son being baptized, and God the Spirit descending upon Jesus. Our God is a God of mystery, but when we trust Him wholeheartedly, we don’t need to fear the mystery. We can be like John, who embraced the uncertainty of God’s plan by obeying God.

Not only do we see the unqualified and bewildered John step into obedience, we see the submission and perfect working of the Trinity. The Father calls, the Son obeys, the Spirit empowers. How beautiful is that! Our God is truly good, and it's evident in this story.

As you process today’s passage, take inventory of things in your life that you have been called to do but maybe feel unqualified for. Ask God to give you the confidence and perseverance to tackle that challenge head on and trust in His goodness.


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