Exodus 2:1-10, Exodus 3, Exodus 6:1-9, Exodus 14:13-3, Exodus 15:1-21
Moses is one of the most prominent figures in the history of God’s people. He was born as a Hebrew in a land where they were enslaved. During the time of his birth, midwives were told to kill the sons of the Hebrews, and yet God ordained Moses to live. Moses was adopted by the Pharoah’s daughter, and thus he had the opportunity to live a life of wealth and prosperity, yet, he chose a life with his people. God chose him to be a mighty servant in the name of the Lord.
It’s easy to look at Moses's full life of obedience with awe and admiration. However, Moses was like you and me - human, prone to the nature of sin. Moses fled Egypt because he murdered a man. Then, later on in the desert, this specific sin caused him to be banned from the promised land. That doesn’t sound like a perfect life we read today.
We can read Moses' highlight reel and think, it would be so cool to be like that. But I mention Moses' sinful reel because we are like Moses - at least, we can be. God uses broken people ALL THE TIME. Our sin doesn’t excuse us from the mission or being a part of miraculous work.
Actually, Jesus tells us, “Truly, truly I say to you, the one who believes in Me, the works that I do, he will also do; and greater works than these he will do; because I am going to the Father” (John 14:12). Jesus certainly did greater things than Moses and Jesus said we could do greater things because we indwelled with the Holy Spirit.
Because of the Holy Spirit, we have the opportunity to be like Moses - a servant of the Most High God, for the glorification of his name amongst the nations. We all want to focus on our highlight reel, but our stories aren’t meant for those; they are meant to show God’s power by redeeming our most sinful and broken moments. Do you believe that? Could you pray that the Spirit would help you be a servant for the glorification of God, despite your broken and prone to sin?