
Nehemiah 1

About 50 years after the Babylonians destroyed Israel’s temple and sent them into exile (2 Kings 24-25), the book of Nehemiah describes Nehemiah's burden to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem.

If you’re feeling ambitious, feel free to read the entire book. Spoiler alert: the wall is rebuilt speedily, but the Israelites still fall into sin throughout the story.

For today’s devotional, we will look at chapter 1 and reflect on Nehemiah’s response to the tragedy endured by the Israelite people. Nehemiah is an Israelite, serving as the cup-bearer to the Persian king. When he hears of the “great trouble” of the Iisraelites, he responds like this, “When I heard these things, I sat down and wept. For some days I mourned and fasted and prayed before the God of heaven.” (Nehemiah 1:4)

He then launches into a prayer. Note that he prays :

To remember God’s character (verse 5).

He repents his and nation's sin (verses 6 and 7).

To ask for God’s favor in helping Israel revere God’s name again (verses 8-11).

Before Nehemiah organizes a team, lays a brick, and even travels to the temple site, he prays.

And he doesn’t pray for strong builders or cheap materials. He starts by lamenting for tragedy and then for sin. He remembers God’s promises and asks that God will act on them again.

Nehemiah is a story about great leadership and commitment to God’s calling. But chapter one shows us that these things must start with prayer. They start with repentance. They start with lament and a burden for God to be honored and experienced by Israel and all nations.

Today you have the opportunity to honor God in whatever you do. Whether working your job, leading a summer project, or caring for your kids, you can honor God and display his character to others.

Before you take on the task that God called you to, follow Nehemiah’s example and pray to God first.

Remember God’s character. Repeat it back to him.

Repent of any sin and lament of brokenness that burdens you.

Ask for God to guide you in what you do today. Ask that he would be glorified.


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