Washed Feet

John 13:1-20

Jesus was about to be arrested and had some key teachings for his disciples. Jesus chose to start with leadership and he used more than words to teach the disciples. He got on his hands and knees and washed the disciples' feet. This task was only done by the lowest of servants never by a teacher or a master.

Jesus was showing the disciples that to be a leader means that you must serve those around you. History has taught us that leadership means the power you hold must be wielded over those who follow you. This type of leadership is what the Jewish people thought was going to come from the Messiah. That Jesus was going to come down and deliver them from their enemies by the sword. Instead, Jesus came down and served the world.

This type of leadership is countercultural. The Kingdom of God is most often completely opposite of the kingdoms of this world.

Jesus says something in this passage that should transform the way we live. He says, “And since I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you ought to wash each other’s feet. I have given you an example to follow. Do as I have done to you.”

The call of the Christian leader requires that we set aside our pride, desires and be intentional about always serving those in our lives.

So what does serving those around us look like? We can look at Jesus to see that he served peoples physical, emotional, and spiritual needs. Serving others could look like doing their dishes, giving them a ride to the store, meeting a physical need. It could also look like sitting with them when they have just lost a loved one or praying with them when they are anxious. Jesus noticed the needs of those around him, and he met those needs. Serving others requires a daily sacfirice and awareness to the needs around us.

How could you serve your community better? Where is pride keeping you from being the servant leader Jesus was and still is?


Life-Changing Community. World-Changing Purpose. All Because of Jesus


The Last Supper

