The Holy Spirit // Week 2
We know that the Holy Spirit is the third part of the Triune God and that He lives within all those who have professed that Jesus is Lord and believe that God raised Him (Jesus) from the dead. But what does the Spirit do when in me? Does He control me? No, not exactly but He is essential for us to live the Christian life God calls us to live.
The Holy Spirit helps lead us to know our identity and to lead us to obey all that Jesus has taught and is continuing to teach us.
First, the Spirit reminds us who God is and then tells us who we are in Christ. We are first adopted sons that call God Father (Romans 8:15-16). We are co-heirs with Christ (Romans 8:17). We are the ones that God has gathered from the far east and from the ends of the earth because we are formed by Him and because He loves us (Isaiah 43:3-7). Did you notice that the Spirit never starts by telling us we didn’t perform well or that we didn’t do enough? No, the Spirit, first and foremost, reminds us of our identity.
After we are confident in who we are, then the Spirit helps us to lead lives by obeying the commands of Jesus. That obedience does not produce more favor with God but actually results in the fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23). That fruit, my friends, is not more disciples, big house parties, and large villages weekly; no it is the very character of God, which is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. We obey Jesus to look like Jesus, and we can only do so with the very same Spirit that led Jesus into the wilderness, then to the cross, and then out of the grave.
So this week, as we read what the Spirit does, I encourage you to seek out His voice and prompting. Do you hear the Spirit gently whispering the truth of who God is and who you are? Are you ready to obey but not sure how? Then you should turn to the bible because it is the same Spirit in you that divinely wrote God’s Word, which is living, breathing, and ready to say something to you today.