Psalm 117

This Psalm is the shortest one in the collection. It is a simple, yet profoundly beautiful call to worship. David is calling the people to do two things: praise the Lord and extol him. “Extol” is not a word used very often in our modern vocabulary, but what it means is to “praise enthusiastically” or “glorify.” 

According to David in this Psalm, the reason we praise and give glory to God is because of his character. God’s character is marked by two things in this Psalm and all throughout scripture: love and faithfulness. These two words might seem churchy and cliché, but in reality they are very rich descriptions of God’s character. 

In John 15:13, Jesus taught that “Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.” Jesus embodied the love of God by inviting the outcast near to him and healing those considered “unclean” by society. Jesus put his life on the line for those around him, but also for all people, even us. Jesus allowed himself to take on death so that we wouldn’t have to. This is why “all peoples” and “all nations” can praise him - Jesus’ love is available to all who trust in him. He did not come to condemn us, but to heal us. In Jesus is the fullness of love. 

To be faithful is to be loyal and steadfast. In Exodus 34, the Lord describes himself as “Yahweh, Yahweh, gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love and faithfulness.” Though humans consistently ignore the goodness and instruction of God, He refuses to give up on us. He is loyal, and always there for his creation when we turn to him. Even on your worst day, God will not abandon you. It goes against the very essence of his character. 

God is glorious because he is loving and faithful. His nature is to be sacrificial and generous, constant and dependable. 

May we be a people who first remember the unchanging character of God. I challenge you to memorize this Psalm. Write down these two verses and repeat them to yourself throughout the day. By reminding ourselves of what makes God glorious and praiseworthy, we will begin to be transformed by the Spirit and embody God’s loyal love to others, so they too might know they are loved and sought-out by their creator. 


Life-Changing Community. World-Changing Purpose. All Because of Jesus


Psalm 77


Psalm 116