Psalm 46

Take a moment to read this Psalm again. Read every word intentionally, what does it say about God? 

When reading this, I read that God is so much bigger than I will ever understand. The first nine verses before this explain who God is - unstoppable, most high, one deserving of awe and worship. I love this Psalm because it reminds us that God is one of holiness, set apartness, completeness. Out of his complete, whole and holy nature he created us in his image and then we are invited into a relationship. We often think we have to work hard to please him, to finish the work he has called us into, but  in verse ten we see God promise, “I will be exalted among the nations. I will be exalted in the earth.” There is no need for humans. No where in the Bible does it describe the necessity for humans. God is complete without us because of who he is. We should be humbled and honored that we are invited to work alongside God. Jesus calls us into a life witnessing the glory of God through the exaltation of him among every tribe tongue and nation, in which no part we play out of necessity. 

Right before God declares that he will be exalted, he tells his people to be still and to know him. He doesn’t ever ask us to work for approval, but to work out the knowledge of who he is and through our knowledge to exalt his name. To exult means to feel or show triumphant elation. What is a better cause to exalt Jesus but the gospel itself? 

Church, let us be still, know God, remind ourselves of the Gospel and exult Jesus in every nook and cranny of our lives. Let us live lives of exulting Christ that every tribe, tongue and nation will join us before his throne singing hallelujah before our complete and holy King. 


Life-Changing Community. World-Changing Purpose. All Because of Jesus


Psalm 42


Psalm 73