Psalm 51

Psalm 51, 2 Samuel 11

David writes this Psalm after one of the most significant events of his life. In 2 Samuel we see the story of David & Bathsheba, where David takes Bathsheba to lay with him and then has her husband sent to the front lines of the war to be killed in battle. So he committed adultery with another man's wife, and he then had that man killed so he could cover up the story and be with her. 

Now, in Psalm 51 we hear his cry to the Lord acknowledging his wrongdoing and asking the Lord to forgive him. 

While David has this right response to repent and ask God for forgiveness, through his plea, he highlights many aspects of God's character. 

David says God is a God who is merciful, has steadfast love, knows all of our sin, is powerful, judges all sin, and gives salvation.

Adultery and deception seen in this moment from David’s life seem like really serious, big, heavy sin. But sin is sin. We sin and offend God in the same way that David did. But do we ask God for forgiveness like David? Do we run to Him in all his power, mercy, and love and repent of our sin like David? David had the right orientation to God in response to his sin by running to him.

Verse 10 says “Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me.” Do we pray this enough? Do we go to God humbly with our sin? 

The magnitude of David’s sin was great, but God’s forgiveness and love were greater. Go to God in response to your sin, lay it all out, and ask for forgiveness. Respond humbly and walk in free grace. 


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Psalm 116


Psalm 91