
Samuel 22, Psalm 18:2, Psalm 62:2

A fortress is a stronghold, a defense from our enemies, and it is not made of brick and mortar. No - it is God himself. He is impenetrable and not even death could take him down. He is the Victor. This is not new news for the Christian person, but the news we often forget. Big feelings, culture, peer influence all the like take us down with a swift whisper of a lie. The walls seem to crumble around us, and we seek refuge in our own feeble strength and wooden shields of self-protection. 

But, God is our shield, defender, and fortress. He does not succumb to outside influence, nor does he forget who he is. Yahweh - the I AM. He is who is, he is who he be, He is the Creator of all things, and the only one who walked out of his own grave. Let us rejoice like David in Samuel 22. Let us not forget this timeless truth. God is here to be our fortress - to protect us from a very real enemy and to remind us that we live in His victory, not our own. 

Christian, do you remember in the moments where it seems your world is falling apart around you that your refuge is your God? 

There is grace when we forget, but let us be people who always strive to remember.


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