
Genesis 16, Genesis 18: 9-15

The story of Sarah is scattered throughout Genesis but there is one aspect of the story that is very well-known and it is the story of how she birthed her son Issac. The reason why this story stands out is because Sarah was old.. And I mean like OLD old. She was 90 when she conceived and birthed Issac, and Issac would mark the beginning of establishing God’s covenant that is everlasting. In what feels like impossible circumstances, God had a plan, and it took 10 years to watch it unfold. 

This isn’t where Sarah’s story begins though. If you read Genesis 16, you see Sarai (who later becomes Sarah), struggling with infertility. For 10 years they asked God to bring the gift of a child, but never did. So in the midst of that struggle Sarai sends her husband to be with Hagar, their servant, and Hagar DID bear a child. This created strain and contempt in this relational triangle. 

Throughout Sarah’s story we see longing, insecurity, and doubt collide together. It led to disobedience but God did not disqualify them from the deeper purpose He had for them. Sarah’s response even was one of disbelief, the idea of having a child at her age was laughable (Genesis 18: 12-15). God was clear of His intentions for Sarah’s life and was still faithful in disbelief.

We can learn from Sarah that God is bigger than our doubt and can still use us even if we have been disobedient. Our choice is how we respond and believe that God is working for our good and His will on this earth. In what ways have you struggled to believe God’s plan for your life? Where is he asking you to take a step of faith? 


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