God’s Glory Through Death & Redemption

Ruth 1:1-16, Luke 24:24-30, Romans 5:8-10

Have you ever experienced a moment of joy after suffering? In the story of Ruth, we will learn how God redeems and brings hope in the midst of tragedy and death. 

The story of Ruth begins with Elimelech and his wife Naomi in Bethlehem, which means “house of bread.” Ironically though, there is a famine in the house of bread. Elimilech, who’s name means “my God is king” actually does the opposite of trusting God as king, and moves his family to Moab which was a place full of pagan worship. Here, we see Elimelech as well as both of his sons, Mahlon and Chillion die.

So Naomi is now a widow and in Moab with her two daughters. This is where Ruth and Orpah enter the scene. Naomi tells them to go back to Bethlehem, but Ruth tell’s her “for where you go I’ll go, where you stay I’ll stay. Your people shall be my people, and your God my God.” (Ruth 1:16). Ruth’s name meant “friendly and companion” and that is exactly what she was to Naomi.

On Naomi’s encouragement, Ruth took the initiative in seeking redemption in Boaz, the wealthy landowner who was supporting Ruth’s gleaning, to marry her and to act as the family redeemer. Boaz responded to Ruth’s proposal by calling her a “virtuous woman” (Ruth 3:11),  and they got married. The book ends by announcing the birth of a baby boy, Obed. He became the grandfather of King David. The lineage of Ruth and Boaz was Obed, Jesse, David, and then Jesus. Ruth is one of the only five women who are mentioned in the genealogy of Christ! 

Even though Naomi went through something really difficult, God rescued her from darkness by sending Ruth to be a companion. From there, we see that God used Boaz to redeem the family, resulting in Jesus being in the line of Obed their son. God is trustworthy in our darkest hour. This is the gospel. That we were once separated from God because of our sin, but Jesus’ death allowed us to have life because of the resurrection. In Luke 24:26, it is revealed through Scripture that “the Messiah would have to suffer all these things before entering his glory.” Jesus’ death and resurrection confirm that he is truly the Messiah and that his death brings restoration and forgiveness of sins. 


Reflect on a time when God redeemed you from a circumstance of suffering. 

What truth do you need to cling to so that you may drown out the lies that God has forgotten you?

Why is it, like Naomi, it is so easy for us to believe God forsakes us? Why is it easy for you personally to believe God has forsaken you?


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God’s Glory through Kings Part one


God’s Glory Through Chaos