Genesis 16-17
As we read today’s chapters, there is a lot going on. Sarai and Abram let their doubts lead to sin. Which then leads to the story of Hagar and the continued story of God’s faithfulness despite the doubts and failed faith of His people. Then Abram gets renamed to Abraham, God reminds Abraham that He will make him the father of many and bless him, and God promises him a son. In return, God requires that each male be circumcised. Seems like a strange request doesn’t it? But the request is meant to show Abraham’s obedience and to remind God’s people their fruitfulness as a people is a gift from Him.
God loves Abraham. As we have read through his story we see time and time again, God making a promise to bless him and call him his own, Abraham making decisions based on what he thinks should happen, and God, in His mercy, gently reminding Abraham yet again that nothing is impossible for Him. God had a plan to bless the world through Abraham’s line, and that’s what would happen.
Ishmael wasn’t Abraham’s heir, but he wasn’t forgotten by God either. Ishmael was one of the first to experience the physical sign of God’s covenant through circumcision. God is still God even when we make mistakes, God’s plans for our lives aren’t thwarted by our human failure.
Oftentimes when we make a mistake we first think of how disappointed God is in us and forget that He is still God and desires to be near to us. He is still sovereign when we disobey Him or try to run away from His plan for us. And He gives us reminders of His pursuit of us through His word, through our community, and the gift of the Holy Spirit.
Where do you feel like you have failed and are not trusting God’s sovereignty?