Genesis 44

You can probably think of one or more experiences where you have learned from a mistake you’ve made. It can make us feel better, but it can’t make us feel whole. When thinking about our sermon series, “are we mistake makers or saved sinner”, is a very clarifying statement. When we strive to avoid mistakes, we don’t actually change. When we embrace that we are sinners, we can finally experience transformation. Not by our own power but by the power of the Holy Spirit (2 Corinthians 5:17). When you read Genesis 44, Judah seems to be a whole lot different. 

Let’s recap that Judah was the one who led the charge for Joseph to be sold away. Joseph was the favorite son of Jacob and his brothers we’re envious of it. Now, Jacob’s son Benjamin is seen as the favorite and they are traveling with him out of Egypt after getting supplies from Joseph. As they are leaving, Joseph tests them to see if they have changed from their wicked ways by placing a cup in Benjamin’s bag. When the brothers are accused of stealing, they all deny it, but the cup is found in Benjamin’s bag. 

This discovery leads to Benjamin becoming a slave to Egypt, but the brothers do something interesting. They don’t leave him. They don’t act in their wicked ways as they did before. They fight to stay with him and protect him because they know how important Benjamin is to their father. Judah even goes one step FURTHER to say that he would die in his place. 

The radical transformation is only done through the power of sacrificial love. The heart change that Judah experienced reflects the ways that Jesus sacrificially loved us by going to the cross. He no longer was trying to avoid mistakes, but live a new life! We get offered this transformation every day!! We get to choose Jesus and His salvation, but we first have to understand our sin that brought us to that need. When we choose to follow Jesus, it changes our actions. Believe then behave. Reflect on moments of heart change that brought you where you are now. Allow yourself to accept the truth that we are sinners in need of a savior. 


Life-Changing Community. World-Changing Purpose. All Because of Jesus


Genesis 45-46


Genesis 42-43