Genesis 45-46

“And he wept aloud, so that the Egyptians heard it, and the household of Pharaoh heard it” (Genesis 45:2). Joseph lived a life founded on a deep trust in the Lord. So much so that he readily forgave his brothers who sold him into slavery. Reading this convicts me to my core because deep down I know that I should forgive so easily. I, however, do not. Family has a unique way to cut us deeply. It’s hard to recover betrayal from the ones who are supposed to love you, walk with you, and care for you. When they forget you, forsake you, and hate you, it's a hurt that is hard to let go, let alone forgive. 

Yet, Jesus commands those who follow Him to readily forgive, just as He has forgiven us. Do you remember when you were younger and you fought with your brother or sister, and your mom or dad made you say sorry? Then you say a heartless, eye rolled sorry. No meaning, just to please the parents so that as soon as they leave you can go right back to fighting. Too real? 

Jesus knows this of us, that even as adults we sometimes want to “forgive” in a way that will just pacify our Heavenly Father. There is no such thing as an empty sorry for the Jesus follower. No, we must like Joseph weep with joy because we have the ability to readily forgive and love the very ones who betrayed us. Just. Like. Jesus. “And Jesus said, ‘Father forgive them, for they know not what they do’” (Luke 23:34). Jesus, who had every right to withhold forgiveness, did not. He took on the very death of those who betrayed him that they may know forgiveness and reconciliation. Who are we to deny those very same things to anyone? We are sinners, turned saints because of Jesus and like Jesus we must forgive, love, and pursue reconciliation. 

Where is there unforgiveness in your heart? Ask God to search you, to give you the reminder of the Gospel today that would lead you to pursue reconciliation in your own life, emulating the life of Jesus today. 


Life-Changing Community. World-Changing Purpose. All Because of Jesus


Genesis 47-48


Genesis 44