Genesis 6-7

In these chapters we read about a broken world and a Holy God. It is easy sometimes, especially when reading the Old Testament to get lost or confused or not know what to focus on, but today I want to focus on God’s character and how we as Christians can respond. 

When God sees that there is wickedness and evil on the earth He is grieved. Genesis 6:6 says, “And the LORD regretted that He had made man on the earth, and it grieved Him to His heart.” This does not mean that God regrets making us in a sense that He wishes it didn’t happen, but He is disappointed in humanity and it grieves Him. We serve a God that is sovereign over all. He knew that wickedness and evil would rule in their hearts. He knew that He would have to send a flood to wipe them out. And He knew that He could count on Noah and His family to be obedient. God grieves when people or things go against His design. Oftentimes we think of how God is disappointed when we sin, which is true, but He also grieves with us. 

God gives Noah specific instructions on how to build an ark to protect his family and two of each animal.  And Noah is obedient. “Noah did this, he did all that God commanded him” (Genesis 6:22). Because Noah “walked with God,” he knew and believed that God was sovereign and would send the waters as He said He would (Genesis 6:9). This story might end with an unknown. Waiting for the waters to lower probably felt like a long time for Noah’s family, but there is always hope because God is sovereign.  


Life-Changing Community. World-Changing Purpose. All Because of Jesus


Genesis 8-9


Genesis 4-5