Salvation In Christ Alone

Throughout the Gospels, God reveals to us that He is not just satisfied with head knowledge of who He is and the Word, but desires to transform the heart. 

Earlier in this chapter, Jesus just healed the paralytic man at the pool. The Jews saw this and were not in awe of the miraculous healing, but instead got hung up on the fact that this man was healed on the Sabbath. In fact, Jesus told them, “My Father is working until now, and I am working (John 5:17)”. 

In verses 33-47, He is continuing His teaching to the Jews who are in opposition to His works that day. Religious leaders thought the Messiah was going to do even more miraculous healings than the man they saw that day. Jesus’ ministry was rooted in compassion and mercy, whereas the religious leaders expected something different. In verses 33-36, Jesus acknowledges the work of John the Baptist, but reminds them that His works are greater! The Messiah they are expecting (Jesus) can do even more than what they have seen so far. 

Jesus notices this and calls out their bias towards what they THINK they know, and instead calls them up to what it means to live the ways God has intended (V39-40). Jesus is the way, the truth, and source of life… no one can get to the Father except through him. Like the Pharisee’s, we can operate in a works-based or knowledge-based kind of relationship with God. Where if we do enough THEN we can receive blessings. Although, we see time and time again that we cannot save ourselves; our knowledge or good works is not what gives us redemption. Jesus wants us to come to HIM as the saving power, not just our head knowledge or what we believe is right. The root in salvation is not in social status or what we can accomplish, but in Christ alone. Charles Spurgeon, who was a faithful disciple, bible teacher, and theologist said this:

“Christ is a person, a living person, full of power to save. He has not placed his salvation in sacraments, or books, or priests, but he has kept it in himself, and if you want to have it, you must come to him” (Spurgeon, Blue Letter Bible). 

Should we read the scriptures? Absolutely! We must read the scriptures so that we are abiding with God and learning more and more about who He is. Although we cannot just settle on a head knowledge faith, we need a heart transformation, too. Our sin keeps us from God; the Word reveals more about Him and thus should transform our hearts to walk in new life (John 5:24). 

  1. How is God transforming your heart in this season?

  2. What do you need to surrender? What do you need to believe?


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