Jesus Washes Their Feet

John 13:5-20

As Jesus approached the day of His crucifixion, He desired to be with His disciples. Rather than bringing the focus on Himself, Jesus used His time with them to remind them of His love and friendship by instituting the Lord’s supper so that they might have a rhythm of remembering Christ’s sacrifice for us on the cross (Luke 22:19,20), and as today’s text highlights, humbly washing their feet.

After walking Israel’s roads with simple leatherbound sandals, the feet of Jesus’ friends would have been covered in dust, dirt, and grime. As the custom went in their day and age, the washing feet was a lowly task–one meant for a servant or to be done to oneself. In addition, Jesus was a rabbi to these men. In Jewish culture, students must bring the utmost honor and respect to their teacher. For Jesus to take a knee and wash the feet of His disciples was countercultural, to say the least. But Jesus was no ordinary teacher.

Perhaps His students were talking as though it was another seasonal celebration for Passover. While Jesus arose and began preparing the water (v. 4,5), it is easy to envision a hush through the room.

After Jesus made His way around the table, Peter’s turn was to receive His teacher’s cleansing. “Lord, are you going to wash my feet?” (v. 6). Peter was surprised to see Jesus performing the servant's task. Peter had a high understanding of the person of Jesus, even confessing Him as the Messiah, the Son of the Living God (Matthew 16:16). Perhaps his high understanding of Jesus was the reason for his resistance to His washing. However, Peter was missing an important point. Peter saw Jesus, the one he knew to be holy and blameless, washing his dirty feet–how could this be?

Like Peter, we often think we are unworthy to receive cleansing from such a Holy God. Though it appears humble, this reveals pride within us.

The proper position for us to take under Jesus is one of deep reception to the freedom of His grace. This is true humility. Will you allow Him to cleanse you? Do you recognize your need for His cleansing?

Even in Peter’s resistance, Jesus lovingly guides Him towards the truth. Rather than moving on to the next disciple, Jesus helps Peter see that he does need Jesus to wash his feet. When we deny our Lord, He continues to pursue us. Time after time, He continues to draw us near to Him even when we don’t deserve it. Have you ever denied Christ’s redemption over sin in your life? Have you ever withheld yourself from receiving His forgiveness? This is not your position to take. It is God’s position to impart His grace.

Bask in it, accept it, take a humble posture, and welcome His cleansing with gratitude and joy.


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