Judas, Who Was A Traitor

John 13:21-38

It’s so easy to hate Judas. 

So easy. 

He is the one who betrayed Jesus. His kiss was the kiss of death. 

Yet, Jesus loved him. Jesus washed his feet. Allowed Judas to follow Him, live with Him, do life with Him shoulder to shoulder. 

Then Judas turned his back on the only one who could save him. 

It’s easy to judge those who turn their back on God. Who deny Jesus and live consumed by the death of this world. Yet, this is us. 

We betrayed Jesus. 

We turned our back on God. 

We are the traitors. 

Yet, this truth should not lead us to pits of shame and self-destruction, but it should remind us of the weightiness of the gospel. 

“For while we were still weak, at the right time, Christ died for the ungodly. For one will scarcely die for a righteous person—though perhaps for a good person, one would dare even to die— but God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us” (Romans 5:6-8). 

Jesus’ knowledge of Judas’ betrayal did not change the love and compassion he showed Judas. Judas was a part of the twelve. He served, was sent out, and loved Jesus. And Judas still betrayed Jesus. 

How often do we say we love Jesus and still choose to scroll on our phones? Or sleep in and skip DTs? Or choose friends over solitude with Christ? Or choose to look like the world because it's easier and trendier than looking like Jesus? 

When we sin, we betray Jesus on the cross. Jesus died for every moment we sin, yesterday, today, and tomorrow. Yet he never has withheld his forgiveness, love, and compassion from us. 

Do not follow Jesus out of guilt, shame, or fear. Let the compassion of Christ, which led him to the cross, fill your life. Let it be what you are rooted in; even though you were once an enemy, Jesus has not called you adopted sons and daughters. 


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Jesus Washes Their Feet