Sermon on the Mount: Matthew 7:1-6

Matthew 7:1-6, Hebrews 3:13, 2 Timothy 4:2

These few verses are some of the most quoted verses of the bible. They are also some of the most misunderstood. Verse 1 is often used as a catch all defense towards someone who questions or challenges an aspect of another’s life. But what did Jesus really mean here?

In Hebrews and 2 Timothy, as well as other verses in the Bible, we are told to exhort and rebuke one another. 

So Jesus says don't judge at all? But other verses in the Bible say to talk to other people about the sin in their life? That seems confusing.. Or does it?

Jesus in this segment of his sermon is not saying never say anything to anybody, just mind your own business. He is saying that we too are of sin and when we talk to others about the sin in their life our heart posture in approaching them is important. 

First off, all people have brokenness and sin in their own life. So all people must be willing to work through their own sin. 

Secondly, we talk to others about a growth area in their life, we do so with peace and love. We do not come at a person with a blind to self attitude or ignorance. Instead with gentleness and respect call others to Christlikeness. 

As Christians, let us not judge with malice but lovingly encourage others towards Christ.  


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Sermon on the Mount: Matthew 7:7-11


Sermon on the Mount: Matthew 6:25-34