Psalm 139

Psalm 139, Romans 8:31-39

The darkness is not dark to You. The darkness is not dark to You. The darkness is not dark to You.

If there were ever a phrase worth repeating it’s this one. Most of us are probably familiar with Psalm 139, and most of us probably have a coffee mug or wall decoration saying, “fearfully and wonderfully made.” However, I don’t want us to miss the richness and depth of this passage just because it feels familiar. 

Psalm 139 was written by David, and Psalms are typically considered sacred songs or poems. David was moved by God’s omnipresence that he wanted to sing about it. That’s how our hearts should feel as we read this Psalm, that we would be so moved by God’s endless presence that we would want to sing.

You’ve probably felt darkness this year. Maybe you went through something hard with a friend, or were deeply burdened by what’s going on in the world or you lost a friend or family member. Darkness is all around us, but what joy can be found in knowing that no matter how dark the world feels, we will never be separated from the love of Christ.

God intimately knows each one of us. He knows when you wake up, what you fall asleep thinking about, who your friends are, the things you want. Even the deepest longings of your heart that you’ve never spoken aloud, God knows them. God made you like Him, and God delights in who you are. He loves you. He wants to spend time with you and He is the ultimate companion. 

Sit in this truth today. Bask in the glory of being made in the image of God and celebrate the way you were made alongside Him. He formed you with heart-felt interest and the deepest respect. He made you unique and set apart because He deemed that beautiful. 

God, we praise you, and our hearts sing out to you for the way you have made us. We love being with you, and we are so thankful that we will never be separated from you. Your love is vast and endless, would you continue to show us the way, we want to be more like you.


Life-Changing Community. World-Changing Purpose. All Because of Jesus


Psalm 55


Psalm 61