Psalm 55

This Psalm begins with a difficult, but maybe relatable start. How often have we felt the anguish and despair that David describes in this passage? A type of strife or problem that creates fear, but may feel hopeless in overcoming it? David is expressing real emotions to a real God. He invites God into the trouble he is experiencing and asks God to not keep His mercy from him. 

How often do we ask God to be in the hard things with us? Sometimes we feel as though we shouldn’t ask God to change our circumstances, but in fact It’s ok to ask those things. It’s ok to ask God to remove pain or a struggle from your life. God is capable, but would you still trust him even if He didn’t? As the title of this Psalm invites us to do is to cast our burdens on the Lord. 

David is vulnerable and honest in his cries to God, but at the same time he is able to worship God in everything He is. Verses 1-15 are David’s expression of pain, and verses 16-23 proclaim how God can heal and restore, no matter the circumstances. We can trust God with our pain and we can trust him with restoration. 

Take a moment and meditate on this verse: “He redeems my soul in safety from the battle that I wage, for many are arrayed against me.” 55:18

How can you believe that God is working even in the toughest of circumstances? How can your difficulties lead to further worship of God’s character? 


Life-Changing Community. World-Changing Purpose. All Because of Jesus


Psalm 22


Psalm 139