Psalm 33

Psalm 33, Genesis 1:1-4, 1 Chronicles 16:34, Mark 10:18

Oftentimes when I am praying I think of all the hard things happening around me or ask God to answer my requests. I pray for the girls I disciple, that they would walk in obedience. I pray for the lost people around me to have their hearts captivated by Jesus. I pray for energy and strength for the day. I pray against the enemy in my life and those around me. 

These are all great things to pray about and for, but I forget to thank God for the prayers He has answered, and the ways He is working through me and others. I forget that He is first and foremost worthy of my praise. If all else fails in this life and I lose everything, He is still worthy of my praise simply for being the creator of the world. 

When I stop to think about thanking God, I remember all the great things He has done in and through me over the years. I start to recognize the little joys that He gives me and the times where He clearly protected me from the enemy. I look back and see the subtle transformation that He has done in my life over time. I see ways I have grown and matured and been blessed, and it all points back to His goodness. 

God is not only the creator of the universe, but He is the creator of each of us! He gives us our heart beat and every breath. He gives us unique fingerprints, unlike anyone else's. He designed us for His purpose and in His likeness. He gifts us with talents and abilities. He chose us and loved us even while we were still sinners and called us His sons and His daughters. He provides for us, protects us, and leads us through the gift of His Spirit. He promised eternal life with Him through Jesus to those who wear His name. 

He is so worthy of our praise! If we don’t get the job we wanted, struggle to pass our classes, have conflict with family, even still, He is worthy of our praise. In the darkest of times, He is our light even when we don’t recognize it in the moment. 

Psalm 18:3 says, “I call upon the Lord, who is worthy to be praised, and I am saved from my enemies.” Church, may we call upon the Lord, simply because He is worthy of our praise. May we rejoice in His goodness and mercy. May we thank Him for being a Father who loves us with unconditional, steadfast love. 

Take some time to praise God for who He is and all that He’s done. 

Try writing down a list of His characteristics and ways He has blessed you.


Life-Changing Community. World-Changing Purpose. All Because of Jesus


Psalm 16


Psalm 77