Day 4
John 4:31-38, Matthew 12:46-50
Sometimes we become desperate. We need to see fruit. We need to prove that our labor was not in vain. Too close to home for you? Jesus reminds us that He is the one who gets all the glory, that we reap what we do not sow and sow what we do not reap, but that we live out the call of faithfulness when we do the Father’s will.
Today, pray to be faithful because that is what he calls us to be. We are faithful laborers. We do not labor to reap the reward of fruit; we labor because our God commands us to do so. We labor that He may receive all glory, all praise, and all exaltation. We labor to worship our God, who labored to save us from sin and death.
Today, do not let fruitlessness discourage you from being faithless. Trust in God, and faithfully labor again