Day 5

Matthew 28:19-21, Acts 1:1-8

New year, new people, and new moments of living these verses out. Today, read these verses excitedly because you have been invited to the front lines, where you get to TEACH ABOUT JESUS. Isn’t that amazing?! The first few days can feel overwhelming, tiring, and awkward in being bold in meeting new people, but the fun part is coming. As you wrap up the first week of move-in, big WoW events on campus, and maybe planning a house party, remember that these are the steps to the best part - teaching others about Jesus, teaching them how to hear from God, to read the bible, to live in community, to think deeper about life, the universe, and everything in it, and to worship God.

Today, pray for those future moments. For the sweet conversations about how to love Jesus for the first time or how to love him deeper. For the beautiful voices lift praise and worship to God. For bringing together people to enter into eternal friendships. Let us pray with expectancy of these moments as we are sent again today.


Life-Changing Community. World-Changing Purpose. All Because of Jesus


Day 4


Day 6