Day 13
1 Thessalonians 1
Paul was only in Thessalonica for a very short time. He ran out of town because of his work preaching the gospel. Yet, despite almost immediate persecution of the church in Thessalonica, they grew. Today, would 1 Thessalonians be our prayer for our sites? Let this be our dream that the sowing and labor over the last two weeks led to a church described here. Let us pray for the following:
A people to imitate our labor (v3)
A people whose faith leads to depth with our God (v3)
A people who have an unshakeable hope in Jesus (v3)
That our gospel proclamations are delivered in the power of the Holy Spirit (v4)
Our character would be testaments of gospel transformation (v5)
A people who imitate the Lord (v6)
A people whose faith spreads across the world (v8-10)
Let us work towards that Revelation 7 picture by planting Thessalonian churches.