Building a Core Team

As the lead church planter prepares spiritually to move to a new city, they are also preparing a core team of individuals to move with them as well. When building a core team, the goal is for approximately twenty-five individuals to commit to being a part of the core team. These are individuals who have been identified along the Resonate Leadership Pipeline and are praying towards moving with the church plant. Nine months before the team officially leaves, the lead church planter will begin having church planting interest meetings with the individuals who are prayerfully considering moving. The lead church planter will eventually make a personal ask inviting individuals to join the core team. These are individuals who exhibit attributes as a developed disciple-maker, a mobilized missionary, a healthy human, a culture keeper, and as a sacrificial servant. Once the ask has been made of them, the potential core team member will then sign a core team covenant, which is a contract stating their responsibilities for the coming year as a core team member.


Life-Changing Community. World-Changing Purpose. All Because of Jesus



