You’re ruining your church. And you don’t even know it
Why is creating community so hard? Matt shares the secret sauces for a healthy church and how we can people who live towards health in our communities.
Out of Hiding: How the Gospel Conquers Sin
Jesus is calling us to live in the light. Growing in maturity means digging deeper into uprooting our sins, pursuing Christ-likeness with humility and partnering with one another in repentance and grace. Matt Williams shares his own experience growing up in the Gospel and encourages the church to come alongside him in pursuing a life full of repentance and God's grace.
God Sees This Injustice - Deon’s Story
Deon shares his story of how injustice and racism have directly impacted his life. Through his story, Deon reminds us that there is a God who cares about His people who suffer from injustice and He calls His people to stand up and do justice.
Five Ways to Creatively Engage the Mission While Quarantined
Covid-19 had not changed or postponed, the Mission of Jesus has not changed, but how can we "go" when we are stuck in our houses all week? Here are 5 ways to help get the creative flows going in being missional while maintaining that 6 feet from your friends, family, and neighbors.