Courage to Love a Stranger
At times it can be easy to let worldly fear stop us from loving strangers and sharing the gospel. Jordan provides helpful insight and reminds us that when we fear God and respond to His love in faith, it gives us the boldness and perspective to love strangers fearlessly. Give the blog a read to see how we can fearlessly love strangers and how we can fearlessly share the gospel.
COVID isn't Killing Mission, We Are.
Our world has been shaken. What we knew is gone and when grief, hardship, and isolation hit us in the face, it’s easy to lose sight of the call Jesus has placed on our life. This week, we are to look to Jesus, by remembering that we follow an unstoppable God. Let us look and step out in faith.
The First American Missionary
We serve a God who loves to remember. Remember who he is and what he has done. James Clark highlights a missionary named George Liele who gave his life to Christ as a slave. His heart was the Lord’s, and the Lord used it to bring glory to his name amongst the unreached in Jamaica. As we read this, let this stir hope in us that we serve the same God who is working all things for good and glory.
I Was Hurt By The Church; Now What?
"I love Jesus, but hate the church" - a phrase that doesn't make sense to a God who designed the Church. What happens when we are hurt by the broken people who make up the Church? Eric helps us to see past hurt, grasp forgiveness, and points us to God's design for the Church.
Ten Books To Read Over Christmas Break
With the holidays ahead of us, our Site Pastor in Missoula shares ten books we should read over break. As believers and as a church we value being people who continually seek wisdom and knowledge in order to grow as disciples and those who make disciples.
The War on Christmas: 2020
Christmas is a significant part of American culture. How do we as believers celebrate the coming of Jesus through the secular chaos that has become the Christmas season? Here Eric pushes to do away with what culture says and pursue the simplicity of who Jesus is, remembering the original why of celebrating Christmas.
As a Christian, What's My Role in Fighting for Racial Justice? Part 2
After learning about who God is, who we are, and how we fight against racial injustice from understanding the Gospel, we learn from Ben some guiding principles to honor God in how we fight against the racial injustice embedded into our American society.
As a Christian, What's My Role in Fighting for Racial Justice? Part 1
This month in our Hard Questions series we are asking: "As a Christian, what is my role in fighting for racial justice?" Ben Wenzl responds to this questions in a two parts, starting with who God is and who we are to better understand what we are actually fighting for.
How We Respond Shows Us Where Our Allegiance Lies
This election has everyone on the edge of our seats. How should we respond as the final results come into a clearer focus? This week we look at how we can respond in a way that shows our belief in the Eternal King who appoints earthly rulers.
The Call to Pray for Our Enemies
Everyone is divided. Us against them. Him against her. Me against you. What if we laid down our defenses and instead of furthering the divide with hate, we closed it with love? Jesus tells us to love our enemies, we wanted to give some practical steps on how to do that.
What Does It Mean To Be An Ambassador For Christ?
In our current environment, the news, social media, and conversations are filled with the views of different political parties. Who represents us the best? The bible tells us that we, as Christians, have come to be the ones who represent the kingdom, not this world. It is here where we explore how to be Christ's ambassadors well.
The Greatest Motivator in the World
What motivates you? A reward? Avoiding a negative response? As Christians we have been met with the powerful grace of God. It is that grace that motivates us to live the life marked by sacrifice and the story of Jesus Christ. Read to learn more of how we can be motivated by such grace!
Why Conflict is Worth the Trouble
Conflict is inevitable, but what does God have to say about it? He says to pursue reconciliation. Kirsten shares practical steps in pursing the beauty of reconciliation.
You’re ruining your church. And you don’t even know it
Why is creating community so hard? Matt shares the secret sauces for a healthy church and how we can people who live towards health in our communities.
He is Worthy to be Above All
To live a life worthy of the Gospel is to remember that the Jesus is worthy to live such a life. Our life is a continual reminder that Jesus loves us and the opportunity to tell Him "I love you too." This is the story of a group of people who moved across the world to a country actively working to oppress the Gospel and how they've geared their lives to live worthy of the Gospel.
A Simple Truth That Reshapes The Way We Live in Quarantine
We live in a world where busyness and noise are normal. This quarantine has brought us to a season of stillness and silence, but how can we sit and make the most of the stillness and silence? Here are some ways to help enjoy and get the most out of the stillness and silence!
Five Ways to Creatively Engage the Mission While Quarantined
Covid-19 had not changed or postponed, the Mission of Jesus has not changed, but how can we "go" when we are stuck in our houses all week? Here are 5 ways to help get the creative flows going in being missional while maintaining that 6 feet from your friends, family, and neighbors.
Confirmed: You Need People EveryDay
No matter your personality type, we are all hardwired for community. Here’s why you need to press into relationships now more than ever.
Obedient and Unafraid
In times of confusion and fear, we as a church can seek out ways to step up and be good news.